An Inconvenient Truth


Yahoo! Bible Thumpers!

If you haven't visited Yahoo! Answers yet, don't. The stupidity therein is absolutely astounding. Especially entertaining is the religious category, where various believers profess to the world how ignorant they really are in their individual theologies. It will make your brain hurt, don't say I didn't warn you. 
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The Right to Electricity as Mother Nature (and Disney) Intended

"Anyone who's seen [the Walt Disney animated film] 'The Lion King' knows there's a circle of life," which in the real world includes "access to electricity, disease prevention, clean water and nutrition," said Paul Driessen, senior policy advisor for the Congress of Racial Equality.

"But just as there's a circle of life, there's also a circle of death. It connects policies that perpetuate poverty, disease, malnutrition and early death," noted Driessen, who is also the author of the book, "Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death."

The Circle of Life provides access to electricity??? Where do I sign up?
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Prison Ship Earth

"Jesus entrusted Judas with a secret he did not reveal to any of his other disciples: That this world was not created by the one true God, but by a lesser, evil divinity as a place to entrap divine spirits.

'The idea of this gospel is that humans have a divine spirit trapped within them that needed to escape their bodies and Jesus was just here temporarily and he also needed to escape and Judas provided him the way of doing it.'
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