Corporation Responsible for 'Big Dig' Fiasco Awarded Los Alamos Labs

Nuclear laboratories are no longer to be intellectual institutions devoted to science but part of a corporate-business model where research, design, and ultimately the weapons themselves will become products to be marketed....continued post...
In December 2005, construction giant Bechtel won a $553 million yearly management contract to run Los Alamos Laboratories, which has an estimated $2.2 billion annual budget.

But a look at Bechtel's record might not inspire others... The California-based construction giant has a long history of big projects, big promises, bigger budgets and even bigger failures.

In Boston, Bechtel was put in charge of the "Big Dig," the reconstruction of Interstate 93 beneath the city. In 1985, the price tag for the project was estimated at about $2.5 billion. Now, it is a whopping $14.6 billion...

Hiroshima and Nagasaki wish this had happened sixty years ago.


Blogger Jimbo said...

Remain calm. There is no cause for alarm.


1:44 PM  

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