Agent Orange

"Agent Orange" is a powerful defoliant that was largely used during the Vietnam War, in order to defoliate the forests that where hiding the Vietcong soldiers. This chemical product contained a poison dangerous for health and environment: the dioxin. Its disastrous effects appeared about 3 to 4 years after its use, causing malformations on about 75'000 people. And still nowadays, 25 years after the war, 3'600 children come to life each year with severe deformities, fissures in the throat, double rows of teeth, and other muscular atrophies. The growing infertility of the young women, as well as urological problems, are also attributed to Agent Orange. Effectively, important amounts of dioxin have been found into the grease and liver of the Vietnamese victims. This weedkiller harms human beings by seeping from water or soil into their food.
from http://www.gci.ch/GreenCrossPrograms/LEGACY/agentorange.html


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