The Bible's Apocalypse

MIKE RUFFIN has a good summary of the Bible's version of events leading up to Judgment Day:

"The end times are the seven-year period when God's wrath will be slowly brought upon the world for its failure to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Jesus refers to it as the “great tribulation.” (Matthew 24:21) Here are a few examples of what the Bible says will be seen in the end times:

– A man will surface who will achieve popularity in both politics and in war. The world will be deceived by his charisma.

– End times will begin with the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and her enemies. For the first time ever, the world will be at total peace, or at least it will seem so.

– Violence will increase in all parts of the world. A quarter of the earth's population will be killed due to wars, famine, pestilence and wild beasts.

– Many people will experience a religious conversion and become followers of Jesus Christ. Most of these newly saved Christians will be hunted down and killed for their faith.

– There will be a great earthquake. The sun will be blackened, and the moon will turn blood red.

– A third of the earth will be burned up. The sea will become like blood, destroying everything that lives in it. Fresh water will become like blood.

– Two men, known as witnesses, will preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for 3 years and will be killed by the Antichrist.

– The Euphrates River will dry up, allowing for a great battle. Rulers will gather their armies together to battle God at Armageddon. Jesus Christ will return with his army to claim the earth as his possession.

– The Antichrist will be exposed for whom he really is, and Satan and all his fallen angels will be thrown into a lake of fire.


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